
data class RefundReceipt(val created: String, val ebtCashAmount: String, val isVoided: Boolean, val last4: String, val message: String, val snapAmount: String, val balance: Balance?, val refNumber: String, val otherAmount: String, val salesTaxApplied: String, val transactionType: String, val sequenceNumber: String)


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constructor(created: String, ebtCashAmount: String, isVoided: Boolean, last4: String, message: String, snapAmount: String, balance: Balance?, refNumber: String, otherAmount: String, salesTaxApplied: String, transactionType: String, sequenceNumber: String)


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The remaining balance on the EBT Card after the Payment was processed.

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A UTC-8 timestamp of when the Receipt was created, represented as an ISO 8601 date-time string.

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The USD amount charged/refunded to the EBT Cash balance of the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.

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A boolean that indicates whether the Receipt is voided.

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The last four digits of the EBT Card number that was charged.

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A message from the EBT payment network that must be displayed to the EBT cardholder.

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The USD amount charged/refunded to the SNAP balance of the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.

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