
data class RefundPaymentParams(val forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, val paymentRef: String, val amount: Float, val reason: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, val interaction: CardholderInteraction)

A model that represents the parameters that ForageTerminalSDK requires to refund a Payment. RefundPaymentParams are passed to the refundPayment method.


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constructor(forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, paymentRef: String, amount: Float, reason: String, metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, interaction: CardholderInteraction)


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Required. A positive decimal number that represents how much of the original payment to refund in USD. Precision to the penny is supported. The minimum amount that can be refunded is 0.01.

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Represents the method of interaction between the cardholder and the terminal. This includes key card details such as PAN (Primary Account Number) and Track 2 data. Use the appropriate implementation of CardholderInteraction based on how the card information is obtained.

For example:
- ManualEntryInteraction: Use when the card details are entered manually.
- MagSwipeInteraction: Use when the card is swiped using the magnetic stripe reader.

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val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null

Optional. A map of merchant-defined key-value pairs. For example, some merchants attach their credit card processor’s ID for the customer making the refund.

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Required. A unique string identifier for a previously created Payment in Forage's database, returned by the Create a Payment endpoint.

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Required. A string that describes why the payment is to be refunded.