A positive decimal number that represents how much the PaymentMethod was charged in USD. Precision to the penny is supported. The minimum amount that can be charged is 0.01. To differentiate between a SNAP and an EBT Cash charge on the same EBT Card, use fundingType.
The address for delivery or pickup of the Order.
A human-readable description of the Payment.
The payment instrument type. Use fundingType to differentiate between a SNAP (ebt_snap
) and an EBT Cash (ebt_cash
) charge on the same EBT Card.
A boolean that indicates whether the Payment is for delivery (true) or pickup (false).
The unique reference hash for the existing Forage PaymentMethod that was charged in this transaction.
The status of the Payment. Learn more
A UTC-8 timestamp of when the Payment was successfully processed, represented as an ISO 8601 date-time string.