Package-level declarations


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data class CapturePaymentParams(val forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, val paymentRef: String, val interaction: CardholderInteraction)

A model that represents the parameters that Forage requires to capture a payment. CapturePaymentParams are passed to the capturePayment method.

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data class CheckBalanceParams(val forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, val paymentMethodRef: String, val interaction: CardholderInteraction)

A model that represents the parameters that Forage requires to check a card's balance. CheckBalanceParams are passed to the checkBalance method.

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data class DeferPaymentCaptureParams(val forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, val paymentRef: String, val interaction: CardholderInteraction)

A model that represents the parameters that Forage requires to collect a card PIN and defer the capture of the payment to the server. DeferPaymentCaptureParams are passed to the deferPaymentCapture method.

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data class DeferPaymentRefundParams(val forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, val paymentRef: String, val interaction: CardholderInteraction)

A model that represents the parameters that Forage requires to collect a card PIN and defer the refund of the payment to the server. DeferPaymentRefundParams are passed to the deferPaymentRefund method.

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The entry point for in-store POS Terminal transactions.

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data class RefundPaymentParams(val forageVaultElement: ForageVaultElement<ElementState>, val paymentRef: String, val amount: Float, val reason: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, val interaction: CardholderInteraction)

A model that represents the parameters that ForageTerminalSDK requires to refund a Payment. RefundPaymentParams are passed to the refundPayment method.