
The entry point for in-store POS Terminal transactions.

A ForageTerminalSDK instance interacts with the Forage API.

You need to call ForageTerminalSDK.init to initialize the SDK. Then you can perform operations like:

// Example: Initialize the Forage Terminal SDK
val forageTerminalSdk = ForageTerminalSDK.init(
context = androidContext,
posTerminalId = "<id-that-uniquely-identifies-the-pos-terminal>",
forageConfig = ForageConfig(
merchantId = "123ab45c67",
sessionToken = "sandbox_ey123..."

See also


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object Companion


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Immediately captures a payment via a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad).

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Checks the balance of a previously created PaymentMethod via a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad).

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Submits a card PIN via a via a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad) and defers payment capture to the server.

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Collects a card PIN for an EBT payment via a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad) and defers the refund of the payment to the server.

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Refunds a Payment via a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad). This method is only available for POS Terminal transactions. You must use ForageTerminalSDK.

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Tokenizes a card via a magnetic swipe from a physical POS Terminal.

Tokenizes a card via manual entry into a ForagePANEdit Text Element.