capture Payment
Immediately captures a payment via a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad).
On success, the object confirms the transaction. The response includes a Forage
object. (Example PosPaymentResponse and Receipt class)On failure, for example in the case of
errors, the response includes a list of objects that you can unpack to programmatically handle the error and display the appropriate customer-facing message based on theForageError.code
// Example capturePayment call in a PaymentCaptureViewModel.kt
class PaymentCaptureViewModel : ViewModel() {
val snapPaymentRef = "s0alzle0fal"
val merchantId = "<merchant_id>"
val sessionToken = "<session_token>"
fun capturePayment(forageVaultElement: ForagePINEditText, paymentRef: String) =
viewModelScope.launch {
val response = forageTerminalSdk.capturePayment(
forageVaultElement = foragePinEditText,
paymentRef = snapPaymentRef
when (response) {
is ForageApiResponse.Success -> {
// handle successful capture
is ForageApiResponse.Failure -> {
val error = response.errors[0]
// handle Insufficient Funds error
if (error.code == "ebt_error_51") {
val details = error.details as ForageErrorDetails.EbtError51Details
val (snapBalance, cashBalance) = details
// do something with balances ...
A ForageApiResponse object.
A CapturePaymentParams model that passes a a ForageVaultElement (either a ForagePINEditText or a ForagePinPad) instance and a paymentRef
, returned by the Create a Payment endpoint, that Forage uses to capture a payment.
See also
SDK errors for more information on error handling.
Test EBT Cards to trigger payment capture exceptions during testing.